Unfortunately it is unlikely that an XP user has that feature.
The only way he could have it is if he has installed IE6sp1
manually and not yet installed XPsp1. If he had installed
IE6sp1 manually and later installed XPsp1 he wouldn't have
the item in Add/Remove Programs but he would be able to do
a repair using the command line alternative that MSKB 194177
I like the approach that PA Bear has been taking on these recently.
Just guess that they don't have current maintenance and send them
to Windows Update to get at least 818529. That would rule out
at least some of the common crashes caused by back-level versions
of mshtml.dll.
Other than that asking for details would help (i.e. Error Signature
after clicking on the <click here> link in the Error Reporting tool
In some ways without such specific information it could also
be just as effective to guess that the crash was caused by malware
(e.g. crash in module "Unknown") and direct them how to purge their
systems of it (something that you know more about than me <g>).
Then if we guess that it seems useful also to give them the
"no BHO" diagnostic/workaround.
<title>298931 - How to Disable Third-Party Tool Bands and Browser Helper Objects</title>
Robert Aldwinckle