Internet Explorer 6 Hangs

  • Thread starter Thread starter Barb
  • Start date Start date


I've scanned through the various previous posts similar to mine but none
of them is really describing my problem totally.

I can't replicate the problem because it seems to be totally random. I
have noticed no descernable pattern such as visiting specfic sites
typing in addresses or clicking on specific types of links.
Sometimes IE hangs after I first run it for the day, before even loading
a page; other times I can be viewing pages throughout the day without

I have sent the error report,
szAppName=iexplore.exe szAppVer=6.0.2900.2180
szModName=hungapp szModVer= offset=00000000

and have followed the list of things to
check on Microsoft's Online Crash Analysis page.
( checked for windows updates, ie updates, have run multiple antivirus
scans and malware scans with different programs, and I've disabled or
uninstalled all ie add ons.)

I even resorted to doing a complete computer dump and new install of
WinXP Pro. But as soon as I got all my service paks and security patches
installed my problem was there again.

Any ideas?

Thanks Barb
Hi Barb,

I had the exact same error message 'hungapp' after using the Customize
Search button on the Search Assistant. So if you have been using the search
button this may be the cause. MS has been doing some maintenance on the
Search Assistant lately and it has been behaving badly.

Other possible causes could be an Add-In. Try disabling your addins.
Tools>Internet Options - Advanced tab - uncheck 'Enable third-party browser

The search assistant isn't a problem for me since I don't use it, any
searches I do, I do by going to the google site and enter in the info on
the web page.
It also can't be any add ons since I have either disabled or uninstalled
(as was noted before) any that were added in my troubleshooting process.
Any other ideas?

Crikies Barb!

I am at a loss. Other things you can try although I don't know if they will
fix the problem (or whether they are in any way connected with your problem)
is Clear your Tempory Internet Files folder - Tools>Internet Options -
General Tab - Delete files button (you can also access Internet Options from
your Control Panel (Start>Settings>Control Panel) if you can't get IE to

Failing that you can find instructions for repairing IE on winXP at (yes it is a bit complicated)

Barb said:
I've scanned through the various previous posts similar to mine but
none of them is really describing my problem totally.

I can't replicate the problem because it seems to be totally random. I
have noticed no descernable pattern such as visiting specfic sites
typing in addresses or clicking on specific types of links.
Sometimes IE hangs after I first run it for the day, before even
loading a page; other times I can be viewing pages throughout the day
without problems.

I have sent the error report,
szAppName=iexplore.exe szAppVer=6.0.2900.2180
szModName=hungapp szModVer= offset=00000000

and have followed the list of things to
check on Microsoft's Online Crash Analysis page.
( checked for windows updates, ie updates, have run multiple antivirus
scans and malware scans with different programs, and I've disabled or
uninstalled all ie add ons.)

I even resorted to doing a complete computer dump and new install of
WinXP Pro. But as soon as I got all my service paks and security
patches installed my problem was there again.

Any ideas?

Thanks Barb

You may be infested with malware.
Systematically go through the steps at this site:
also see

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM
Please respond in Newsgroup. Do not send email
Protect your PC
Thanks for the suggestion, but in my case malware is not the cuprit. I
have scanned my computer multiple times with Ad Aware, Spybot and Trend
Micro. I have also run multiple antivirus scans with Trend Micro, Virus
Buster and Norton.

Not to mention I started having these problems even without installing
anything other than WinXP, MSOffice and all related service packs.
I dumped my computer, I had nothing but a clean install and service packs.

Being the wife of our lead tech for our school division I am aware of
how malware can pose a problem, but it is not the root cause for all

My husband and I suspect it was a bad patch from Microsoft, but since
there are not a lot of reports of this happening to others I am at a
loss as to what it can be.

I have checked all the normal suspect things. (Temp files, virus,
malware, add ons, registry enties, ect.)

This one just has us stumped.