Internet Down

Jan 14, 2006
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Our internet & phone is down and likely to be down till at least the weekend!
Also as no internet cant return any work units on WCG.
At a friends to check emails etc...may be gone a while.
BT know the problem but can they get the parts?
What a pain!

Hope you're up and running again soon, I'd be lost with the internet for a few days :eek:.
What a bummer. I have 2 T-mobile USB dongles in the kitchen draw for emergencies if internet ever goes down. :thumb:
Well seems the issue was software & not hardware as first thought!
Had BT check the telephone sockets in the house & also the junction box and all worked.
Got it back up and running after 36hrs of down time.:thumb:

So glad to back on line as i had a lot to do today & i missed you lot!!!!:o
Welcome back to the world of the connected :D.