On another of my computers, after being connected to the internet for about
5-7 minutes, a window pops-up stating that the computer must be restarted
The window cannot be closed in any manner and is very annoying. Well, this
has happened time and again and still it appears. Thw window that pops-up
is similar to the one you briefly see if you use the one-click shutdown in
xp. To view this window, put the following into a new shortcut:
%windir%\System32\SHUTDOWN.exe -s -t 01
After click on the shortcut the winow will briefly appear before shutting
down the computer.
5-7 minutes, a window pops-up stating that the computer must be restarted
The window cannot be closed in any manner and is very annoying. Well, this
has happened time and again and still it appears. Thw window that pops-up
is similar to the one you briefly see if you use the one-click shutdown in
xp. To view this window, put the following into a new shortcut:
%windir%\System32\SHUTDOWN.exe -s -t 01
After click on the shortcut the winow will briefly appear before shutting
down the computer.