Internet connection sharing?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Andy
  • Start date Start date


Please go easy on me here, I'm a bit of a Mac virgin.

I would like to setup internet connection sharing between a W2K machine
(with dial-up connection) & a Mac running OS9.

Any advice would be much appreciated,


Please reply to NG, where we can all learn :-)
Please go easy on me here, I'm a bit of a Mac virgin.

I would like to setup internet connection sharing between a W2K machine
(with dial-up connection) & a Mac running OS9.

Any advice would be much appreciated,


Please reply to NG, where we can all learn :-)

Hi Andy!

I'm not at a point where I can verify this, but the Windows 2000 "Help"
found in the Start menu is actually very useful compared to many help
systems I've seen. Do a search there for specifics and see if it gives
detailed instructions.

In a nutshell, you'll need two network connections. Your dial-up is one and
then you'll need an Ethernet connection (via hub or cross-over cable) to the
Mac. Your Mac's TCP/IP settings should default to acquiring an IP address
via DHCP, which is what you want it to do.

On the Windows machine, you'll go to the properties of your dial-up network
connection and you should see a tab for sharing. Under this tab, you can
select the option to share this connection to the other network connections.
And that's really about all you need to do.

I'm unsure how or where you would enable demand dialing so that when your
Mac attempts to connect to the Internet, your Windows machine will dial
automatically. I'd expect the Help should explain this.

Hope this helps! bill