internet-connection question..




I'm on Vista Ultimate..
am setting up a router so my roommate can connect to the internet thru
my acct..

where in Vista is "my Network Places" or something like that, that sits
on desktop in XP, you would right-click and do properties and eventually
get to where all IP addresses are (plus subnet mask, etc..) I can't find
those with Vista...

I did find how to get to "Network and Sharing Center" in CP, but don't
see IP addresses.. got from DOS shell, by typing ipconfig, but it shows
so many I don't know which one to put in thing for the router..

what a pain it is to set up these routers, I swear...



maya said:

I'm on Vista Ultimate..
am setting up a router so my roommate can connect to the internet thru
my acct..

where in Vista is "my Network Places" or something like that, that sits
on desktop in XP, you would right-click and do properties and eventually
get to where all IP addresses are (plus subnet mask, etc..) I can't find
those with Vista...

I did find how to get to "Network and Sharing Center" in CP, but don't
see IP addresses.. got from DOS shell, by typing ipconfig, but it shows
so many I don't know which one to put in thing for the router..

what a pain it is to set up these routers, I swear...


I found a window with IP addresses, but this router thing asks for TWO
sets of numbers.. found "Internet IP Address", put nos. in there...

but it also asks for "Domain Name Server (DNS) Address", I can't find
that one (and it wants a primay and secondary one.. this used to be
much easier on XP...)



Go to your ISPs web site and you can get the DNS server numbers. Fine their
Setup help menu.


under control panel/network sharing should find all you need to
set your roomate up.
you should not need to enter ip address........they should be autamatically
assigned by the router just like DHCP automatically assigned by your ISP.
Is this a wired or wireless type of connection??

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