I've plugged into my laptop the LAN cable from my desktop computer and the
Internet connection works for a few seconds, then in Vista becomes Local
Access Only, then drops...then works again for a little bit and so on.
From my laptop, I can't ping the default gateway ( router's interface ).
I've set up the same IP information , hostname & MAC address as on the
desktop computer on the laptop, but it doesn't work.
A possible solution?
The router is under ISP's administration.
Internet connection works for a few seconds, then in Vista becomes Local
Access Only, then drops...then works again for a little bit and so on.
From my laptop, I can't ping the default gateway ( router's interface ).
I've set up the same IP information , hostname & MAC address as on the
desktop computer on the laptop, but it doesn't work.
A possible solution?
The router is under ISP's administration.