internet connection drops several times a day



Running XP pro and connected to internet via residential
gateway and dsl model - My internet connection drops
several times a day (3 - 6) and I have to reboot my PC to
reestablish the connection. I DO NOT have to reboot the
gateway or modem, only the PC. 3 other people I know have
the same problem and we're all using different gateways
and DSL modems.

Thanks for any suggestions.

Wesley VogelX

What does the Event Viewer show? Did you lose your IP lease?

Hope this helps. Let us know.
Not all advice may be correct. Use common sense.



Running XP pro and connected to internet via residential
gateway and dsl model - My internet connection drops
several times a day (3 - 6) and I have to reboot my PC to
reestablish the connection. I DO NOT have to reboot the
gateway or modem, only the PC. 3 other people I know have
the same problem and we're all using different gateways
and DSL modems.

Thanks for any suggestions.

Address this through your ISP tech support and or phone line provider.
I doubt it's your OS causing the problem.

Cecil Bankston

NobodyMan said:
Address this through your ISP tech support and or phone line provider.
I doubt it's your OS causing the problem.
I think the problem is with XP. I had the same problem with my cable
modem connection. I saw a tip about running services.msc (from
Start/Run) and turning off some of the services that XP Pro runs by
default. I set several of the services that didn't apply to my home
network situation to manual startup. That seems to have cured my
problem. I think the particular service that may have been the culprit
was DNS Client.



Thanks for the help, it worked perfectly on my machine as
well as the other 3 more disconnects, it's

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