Internet connection drops out after varying times



Does anyone know why my internet connection drops off for no apparent reason?
I connect just fine, but after 2mins or 5mins or 25 mins - various times, I
hear the modem 'click' and my connection is lost. According to the '2 pc's'
icon I am still connected - but there is no transfer of information. The
only way to get around this is to disconnect and then reconnect.
I have run an up-to-date virus checker (had IllWill, now removed) and
ad-ware checker and removed any rubbush. My internet provider tells me all
is ok from there end.
Any idea's?


Greetings Jono,
Do you have another phone hooked up in your house?
Some phones recieve a "charge" down the line every 10-20 minutes which can
be enough of an upset to kick some modems offline. Try unplugging all the
phones around your house b4 going online and see if this helps.


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