Internet Connection drops as soon as 2nd pc connects



Hi there,

I've recently purchased a netgear wireless router to connect my home
pc's to a Cable modem. I've connected my pc up fine and have been
able to browse successfully. After connecting my girlfriend's PC to
the router, i tried to connect to the net and it loaded her home page
(which wasn't cached) but am unable to browse any further. I.E 6
states that the web site i'm looking for is unavailable.

What's more annoying is that i go back to my PC to find that I too
have lost internet access. Rebooting everything does nothing.
Rebooting everything and disconnecting her PC solves the problem.

I bought the router because i was having exactly the same problem
before when i had 2NICs in my PC and shared the internet connection
from here

I've swapped out every cable, every NIC, updated and back dated
drivers all with no change.

Could this be down to XP SP2? Is it worth trying to remove it? Does
any one have a clue what i can try next beside binning the missus'




Do you have the router set as a dhcp server?
What ip's are you getting when it loses connection?
If you had the prob before the router, I would suspect something in wrong
with your girlfriends pc. To test try hers alone using the router. Does it
Did you tell the router what nics you have, using the netgear wireless
assisitant wizard?

Man Hao

-----Original Message-----
Hi there,

I've recently purchased a netgear wireless router to connect my home
pc's to a Cable modem. I've connected my pc up fine and have been
able to browse successfully. After connecting my girlfriend's PC to
the router, i tried to connect to the net and it loaded her home page
(which wasn't cached) but am unable to browse any further. I.E 6
states that the web site i'm looking for is unavailable.

What's more annoying is that i go back to my PC to find that I too
have lost internet access. Rebooting everything does nothing.
Rebooting everything and disconnecting her PC solves the problem.

I bought the router because i was having exactly the same problem
before when i had 2NICs in my PC and shared the internet connection
from here

I've swapped out every cable, every NIC, updated and back dated
drivers all with no change.

Could this be down to XP SP2? Is it worth trying to remove it? Does
any one have a clue what i can try next beside binning the missus'



Pls Make sure they both don't have the same IP.. :p

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