internet conection help

  • Thread starter Thread starter mario
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a little need to know... i sign into my ISP i get the icon
at the bottom of my screen that its online, but when i try
to get to any page IE can't find the page as if i wasn't
even online. can anyone help, or let me kown why this
happenes? thanks...
a little need to know... i sign into my ISP i get the icon
at the bottom of my screen that its online, but when i try
to get to any page IE can't find the page as if i wasn't
even online. can anyone help, or let me kown why this
happenes? thanks...

Lots of reasons.. A simple thing to try is once you open Windows
Explorer & get the page not found, click on tools\options & "delete
cookies" & for good measure "delete temp files". Now close out
Internet Explorer completely. if you are on dial-up this means
logging off of the Internet. Now log back in. It might work.

For me it was my firewall program (Norton Personal Firewall). Doing
the above worked.

Kaylene aka Taurarian said:
"The Page Cannot Be Displayed" Error Message When You Try to Start Internet

or try the IE NG

Hey thanks for the newsgroups link. My senior father who lives with
me is really getting into the Internet now that I bought him a $50 P2
with Win 98 & hooked him up with a wireless home network & into my
cable connection (he had a P1 & very limited Internet with a free
limited dial-up account at Juno). A couple of those newsgroups will
come in handy for him.


P.S. You can do a lowly Pentium 2 running Windows 98 & 64 MBs RAM on
a wireless network & realize full speed (3000 Kbps) by using a USB
device & not a PCI card (couldn't find a PCI card that worked). USB-1
works at I think up to 12 Mbps, and wireless B is at 11 Mbps, so no
problem (3000 Kbps is 3 Mbps if i am not mistaken).