Windows 7 Internet Access

Sep 27, 2010
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Hi, not sure if this is the right forum for this query, but here goes.
I recently upgraded my internet service to fibre optic and received my new router from my provider - Utility Warehouse - as I could not get internet access some nights after 7.30pm. Anyway, now I can get onto the internet quite easily, however, some nights quite late, around 10.00pm-ish, I can get onto my Facebook page, but am unable to do anything, ie., scrolling down the page only goes about 3 to 4 items then the old blue circle starts going round and round and round and round. This is on my desktop PC that is hard-wired to the router about 400mm away. Now using my wife's laptop downstairs via WiFi, I can access my Facebook page and do anything I want - I can virtually scroll down forever.......I can make comments and 'like' things, and open up videos, etc. The laptop is older than my desktop PC and has been upgraded from Win XP to Win 7, my PC already runs Win 7. Both PC and laptop use Firefox browsers, regularly updated.
Any ideas as to why this difference in performance?
I've changed the cable from the PC to the router, thinking it might be faulty, but it made no difference.
I read 400mm as 400 metres and was about to tell you, you are 300 meters to far ... have you tried a different browser?

Thanks for replies.
I tried using Pale Moon browser and it was the same.
Just did a speed test, although I can access Facebook ok at the moment on both PC and laptop.
PC: Down - 36.36Mbps. Up - 6.58Mbps.
Laptop: Down - 18.03Mbps. Up - 6.58Mbps.
When the Facebook access problem occured I did a speed test, but only on my PC, which was Down - 33.00Mbps. Up - Timed out. I tried the test twice and the upload speed test timed out on both occasions.