Anyone know of a good internet accelerator?
Actually there are many free accelerators.
Basically what they do is:
Cache your lookups - whenever you type in a url your DNS (usually your ISP) has to go
out looking for the actual address that ( < ! weird)
resolves into... It intercepts your DNS (domain name server) request and sends you
directly to the IP address. On a 28.8 dialup that process alone can sometimes take 3-5
Compress html - html is usually simple plain text - using compression the actual number
of bytes transferred can be lowered - however, compression can adversely effect files or
formats which are ALREADY compressed - like jpeg (these days, MOST images), zip,rar files,
etc... As it adds even more overhead information. Graphically intensive pages don't
download well!...
Piddles around with your browser settings to take control of it's update feature. One
of the MAJOR complaints against these so called accelerators is that the page on your
screen frequently isn't the page you are trying to look at, but an old one that you
visited yesterday. Since most pages don't change too much except perhaps the actual
layout. But if you are trying to use a site that updates frequently - they can be a real
pain in the butt!
Fiddles with your TCP/IP settings to make sure you are actually using your available
bandwidth efficiently...
Blocks popups and adverts which on a dialup can eat your bandwidth significantly... And
if you actually use a particular service - AOL, Earthlink, basically all the major big
dialup providers dump a certain level of advert pollution on you to purposefully annoy you
into upgrading to their expensive DSL or broadband services...
Uses mirror sites to find download requests or faster servers that aren't so loaded down
as the one you are looking on...
Analyses your modem and your dialup connection to attempt to connect faster.
All in all, except for the DNS service, you can pretty much optimize your setup yourself.
And even then, the DNS cachers only work well if you frequent the same sites, for general
random surfing they are almost worse than useless as like compression, they add an extra
layer that can screw up...
HTML Compression really is a double edged sword. More often than not unless you are
using a provided accelerator from a specific ISP it really doesn't do you much good...
(BTW: This is the core of the major enhancements in AOL 9 - AOL add blocking,
compression, and pre downloaded graphics and DNS lookups, in addition to the bugs and
features fixes).
<>SPAM-KILLER<>- If you really want to contact me, then -
You figure it out...