Here's the problem. Recently given a computer as a gift.
It's a slow, old one, but it works, and I've networked it
to the better computer with a crossover cable between the
two network cards. It works fine, the two computers have
complete access to each other, even when the internet
enabled computer is connected to the internet via a dial-
up modem.
The internet connected computer is a Win98 SE system, and
I've enabled internet connection sharing. It made me a
nice little disk that I put into the new computer (a
Win2000 system) and I was told that it wouldn't work as
the system must be windows 95 or 98.
How do I fix this manually in windows 2000? Is there a
program I can download? What do I need to do?
It's a slow, old one, but it works, and I've networked it
to the better computer with a crossover cable between the
two network cards. It works fine, the two computers have
complete access to each other, even when the internet
enabled computer is connected to the internet via a dial-
up modem.
The internet connected computer is a Win98 SE system, and
I've enabled internet connection sharing. It made me a
nice little disk that I put into the new computer (a
Win2000 system) and I was told that it wouldn't work as
the system must be windows 95 or 98.
How do I fix this manually in windows 2000? Is there a
program I can download? What do I need to do?