Internal Zip Drive to External Zip drive

Apr 6, 2006
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I recently pulled a zip drive out of an old desktop tower (internal IDE ATA drive) and want to convert this into an usb external drive.

I found an encloser I think will work but I'm having an issue with dimmensions of the drive vs. the dimmensions of the encloser.

Demmensions of the drive are 4'' X 61/2'' X 1''.

Will the following drive encloser work for this zip drive?
I can find no dimmensions for this encloser other than the 3.5" for a hard drive measurement...............and I understand that's the diamiter of the accual disk platter.

In a nutshell, I don't know how the two measurements relate. Any help anyone can offer would be great............

That 'drive' is, in effect, a 3.5" floppy disk drive ... so, you want one that a floppy disk will fit into, good luck with that, and getting it to actually work.

Now, I beg to ask the question, why? :)

Thanks for the measurement help, Muckshifter!

in answer to your question why, I want to turn my zip drive into and external USB zip drive and instead of buying just the cables I need for the hookup I decided to go with an encloser for added protection, appearance, and to hide the ATA to USB connections.

Are you saying that the physical size of a hard drive is different than that of a floppy/zip drive? I compared tho measurement of the zip drive I have to that of a hard drive I took out of the same machine the zip drive is a couple tenths of an inch more in hieght and 9/10 of an inch longer in length.

You think I need to go with a 5.25" encloser?

zip drives used to use 120MB floppy disks?
with flash drives so cheap it's easier & quicker to use them.

just my view.