Internal Hard drive

May 16, 2011
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I was having few minor problems so I tried to run the windows disk checker via right clicking the harddrive icon, selecting tools & then error checking the volume. I restarted as required but a message comes up "cannot open volume for direct access" therefore I am unable to check the harddrive. Every time I boot up now it tries again without success. Also I have tried going through accessories/tools for system information but the same problem exists. The computer seems to be running reasonable well but obviously there is an access problem which needs resolving. Can anyone help please?
If you are running this process while in the OS, then this is to be expected. The volume is opened by the OS to use as it sees fit for data storage and processing. You will have to run the process before the OS loads.

Give this a look if you are using a Windows OS

This will allow you to get check disk to run on boot rather than while the OS has control of the drive.
Hi, thanks for your reply, I am not running in windows os, I go for chkdisk & reboot but cannot for some reason get into my harddrive to check it via windows at all. I always get the message "cannot open volume for direct access", I am running on XP & my PC is 3 years old. I have a fix it utilities program installed which seems to check everything ok but I somehow feel the windows chkdsk should still work, it always has done before. Any more ideas gratefully received. Mike
I am running on XP & my PC is 3 years old.

You are running a Windows Operating System. XP is the flavor. Try the link. It gives you instructions on how to run check disk from bootup. This will be the best way to troubleshoot the disk problems.

In the end, check disk is a generic tool for checking the folder structure and physical drive. If you suspect a problem that cannot be solved via check disk, you may want to look into tools for the specific drive you have.