Internal Complier Error in Visual C++ 1.52

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Hi All,
I am using (Visual C++ 1.52 IDE )for my MFC Application Project. I am
working on an existing code base where the no of lines is around 100,000,
spread across different header and cpp files. when i was trying to add a new
function declaration for an existing class in a header file and function
implementation in the .cpp file i am getting an error as given below

: fatal error C1001: internal compiler error
(compiler file 'msc3.cpp', line 429)
CL returned error code 2.

in another .cpp file.

This problems also occurs when i try to add parameters to the existing
function in an existing class

heap size is 1024 declared in .def file and i have set my stack size as 8500

Pls let me know if any one has solution to this problem

Thanks in advance

Hi !

You're using a very old version of both the IDE and the compiler. Older
Microsoft C++ compilers have bugs, so I suggest on upgrading your IDE and
software as quickly as possible.

-Antti Keskinen
"Older Microsoft C++ compilers have bugs" ?? - As if the newer ones do not
have bugs? All compilers, whether they be Microsoft or not have bugs.

Senthil, I found many bugs in the Microsoft compilers (in fact so many, I
stopped reporting them after a while choosing rather to work around these).

I had this problem with an older version (sorry it was a very long time
ago). What I vaguely recall doing was removing optimization, stack and other
compiler command line options and started reintroducing these gradatim until
I was able to find one switch the compiler would choke on. Turns out the only
way I could fix the problem was to remove the switch (compile option) from
the make file.

I think this would be a better approach than trying to port everything to a
new version! Good luck.

On a funnier note: There was a version of C++ compiler which implemented the
memset() function by checking for a null character at the end!!! :-) So the
only way I could fix this (because Microsoft never did get back to me) was to
first set the last position to a '\0' and then use memset(). :-)