Vasco Lohrenscheit
with following example:
#include <string>
using std::string;
struct iFactory {
virtual void create(void** o)=0;
template <typename TYPE> struct Factory : public iFactory {
virtual void create(void** o) {*o = new TYPE();}
struct tFactoryMap {string ID; iFactory* factory;};
class Foo {
void test(){}
tFactoryMap fmap[] = { {"Foo",new Factory<Foo>()} };
int main () {
return 0;
i get an internal compiler error:
fatal error C1001: INTERNER COMPILERFEHLER (Compilerdatei
'f:\vs70builds\3077\vc\Compiler\Utc\src\P2\ehexcept.c', Zeile 908)
The problem causes the Constructor Factory::Factory(), if i comment the
constructor out everything compiles without error.
This is valid c++ code, isn't it ? Or could be the constructor/new in
the initializing list for fmap be illegal ? Anyway, the compiler should
give a more meaningful messag
Where can such bugs be reported ?
btw: I'm using vc7.1 from visual studio .net 2003. Any hints when a
first service pack will be available, i get from time to time crashes of
the IDE (mostly while debugging) and occasional an internal compiler error.
best regards,
with following example:
#include <string>
using std::string;
struct iFactory {
virtual void create(void** o)=0;
template <typename TYPE> struct Factory : public iFactory {
virtual void create(void** o) {*o = new TYPE();}
struct tFactoryMap {string ID; iFactory* factory;};
class Foo {
void test(){}
tFactoryMap fmap[] = { {"Foo",new Factory<Foo>()} };
int main () {
return 0;
i get an internal compiler error:
fatal error C1001: INTERNER COMPILERFEHLER (Compilerdatei
'f:\vs70builds\3077\vc\Compiler\Utc\src\P2\ehexcept.c', Zeile 908)
The problem causes the Constructor Factory::Factory(), if i comment the
constructor out everything compiles without error.
This is valid c++ code, isn't it ? Or could be the constructor/new in
the initializing list for fmap be illegal ? Anyway, the compiler should
give a more meaningful messag

Where can such bugs be reported ?
btw: I'm using vc7.1 from visual studio .net 2003. Any hints when a
first service pack will be available, i get from time to time crashes of
the IDE (mostly while debugging) and occasional an internal compiler error.
best regards,