Just today one of my NIC's started giving problems. Every once in a while
the connection is broken (as indicated by the icon in system trat) and then
re-established. I can't figure out why this behaviour started and how to get
rid of it.
This of course effects operation of a database application severely.
It is a D-Link DFE538TX, driver is DLKRTS.SYS ver 5.397.823.2001. Any help
would be greatly appreciated. System is W2K, SP4
Thanks in advance.
the connection is broken (as indicated by the icon in system trat) and then
re-established. I can't figure out why this behaviour started and how to get
rid of it.
This of course effects operation of a database application severely.
It is a D-Link DFE538TX, driver is DLKRTS.SYS ver 5.397.823.2001. Any help
would be greatly appreciated. System is W2K, SP4
Thanks in advance.