Interlocked.Exchange(Object, Object), Option Strict On, and Thread Safety

  • Thread starter Thread starter Eduardo Garcia-Prieto
  • Start date Start date

Eduardo Garcia-Prieto

I have come accross a problem in using the
Interlocked.Exchange(Object, Object) method while using Option Strict
On in my project. I have a private class structure variable which can
be updated by a separate thread. In order to guarantee that the
variable can be updated in an atomic operation it occurred to me that
I could use Interlocked.Exchange.

Class MyClass

Private Structure MyStructure
Dim Value As String
End Structure

Private _myStruct As MyStructure

Public ReadOnly Property Value As String
Return _myStruct.Value
End Get
End Property

'Method that can be called by another thread
Public Sub UpdateMyStruct()
Dim NewStruct As MyStructure
NewStruct.Value = "B"
Interlocked.Exchange(_myStruct, NewStruct)
End Sub

End MyClass

The problem is that when Option Strict is On, the compiler issues a
build error on the line with the call to
Interlocked.Exchange(_myStruct, NewStruct):
Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Exchange' can be
called with these arguments:
'Public Shared Function Exchange(ByRef location1 As Object, value
As Object) As Object':
Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'System.Object'
to 'MyNamespace.MyClass.MyStructure'.

To work around it I have implemented a ReaderWriterLock in the class
to synchronise access to the private structure variable.

Has anyone dealt with this situation in a better way? I don't want to
turn Option Strict off.
Unless I am mistaken, this is because your struct is by nature a value type, where as an object is a reference type. Try chaning your struct to a class and see if this helps


----- Eduardo Garcia-Prieto wrote: ----

I have come accross a problem in using th
Interlocked.Exchange(Object, Object) method while using Option Stric
On in my project. I have a private class structure variable which ca
be updated by a separate thread. In order to guarantee that th
variable can be updated in an atomic operation it occurred to me tha
I could use Interlocked.Exchange

Class MyClas

Private Structure MyStructur
Dim Value As Strin
End Structur

Private _myStruct As MyStructur

Public ReadOnly Property Value As Strin
Return _myStruct.Valu
End Ge
End Propert

'Method that can be called by another threa
Public Sub UpdateMyStruct(
Dim NewStruct As MyStructur
NewStruct.Value = "B
Interlocked.Exchange(_myStruct, NewStruct
End Su

End MyClas

The problem is that when Option Strict is On, the compiler issues
build error on the line with the call t
Interlocked.Exchange(_myStruct, NewStruct)
Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Exchange' can b
called with these arguments
'Public Shared Function Exchange(ByRef location1 As Object, valu
As Object) As Object'
Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'System.Object
to 'MyNamespace.MyClass.MyStructure'

To work around it I have implemented a ReaderWriterLock in the clas
to synchronise access to the private structure variable

Has anyone dealt with this situation in a better way? I don't want t
turn Option Strict off