Laurie Paulin
1. Whats with the part that says:
The AS is optional and implied if missing.
Because it's been aliased as TreasTranJoin by the statement in point 1.
There is no table TreasTran in the tablelist anymore only TreasTranJoin.
Think of the alias or table name as a buffer name. The prefix specifies
what buffer to get the field from.
Laurie Paulin
Perth, Western Australia
(TreasTran TreasTranJoin
I understand "TreasTran AS TreasTranJoin" but that doesn't work. I have
never seen this syntax and don't understand why it works.
The AS is optional and implied if missing.
2. Why does "SELECT TreasTranJoin.TranDate" but
SELECT TreasTran.TranDate does not?
Because it's been aliased as TreasTranJoin by the statement in point 1.
There is no table TreasTran in the tablelist anymore only TreasTranJoin.
Think of the alias or table name as a buffer name. The prefix specifies
what buffer to get the field from.
Laurie Paulin
Perth, Western Australia