Interesting problem - Outlook 2000 on Windows 2000 TS

  • Thread starter Thread starter Venger
  • Start date Start date



Got a real stumper here. A client has Terminal Services running on a 2000
box with Citrix, and has Office 2000 loaded.

Outlook will pause for at least a solid minute before opening your first
selection - it will just sit there. Then, when it does open, you can open
other things just fine.

The main server with Exchange is SBS 4.5 running Exchange 5.5.

Have little to go on, no errors in the event log on either machine, it just
sits. If you try and open another users folder - it will sit for at least a
minute. Then, when it does pop up, you can browse the rest of their folders
all normally...

Wierd. Anyone have an inkling?

Hi Venger

I have seen something similar to this before, so this may or may not help

Navigate to the registry key "HKLM \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Exchange \
Exchange Provider" where you will find a value called Rpc_Binding_Order with
a type of REG_SZ.

In this value, there will be some data, similar to

You should backup this before performing this operation, but remove all data
except for "ncacn_ip_tcp"

NB: Don't put the " in the value :o)

Hope this helps you



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