Interesting article about Microsoft.

Shock as article on a Linux fanboy site bashes Microsoft.
I read it and I expect all that's listed is true. I use Win 10 for games and, er, I think that's it. Maybe film editing though I haven't done that for a coupla years now and MS stopped suppying their excellent Movie Maker freebie prog too.

My Win 10 is riddled with probs though and I honestly cannot be arsed to do a fresh install to sort them out, too much ag.

In my opinion the best reason for using Microsoft Windows 10 is an aversion to having to use console commands. In other words - convenience. If Redmund want to spy on me let 'em, I do all my clandestine browsing and d/l in Linux :D
My wife is running Windows 10 on her PC and often asks me to sort something out, as I have not used W10 two years I find the whole thing confusing and total rubbish.
@bootneck02 Why not install an easy-to-use Linux distribution on her computer if you think it will help her and you? I'd recommend Xubuntu as a starting point if she's never used Linux before, the XFCE environment is relatively easy to pick up for a Windows user. ^^

Also happened to notice me and you live in the same county in the UK ^^
@bootneck02 Why not install an easy-to-use Linux distribution on her computer if you think it will help her and you? I'd recommend Xubuntu as a starting point if she's never used Linux before, the XFCE environment is relatively easy to pick up for a Windows user. ^^

Also happened to notice me and you live in the same county in the UK ^^

I would love to convert her too Linux distro BUT she dug her heels in and wants to stay with MS and who am I to disagree with her if I want a quiet life.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::nod::nod::nod::nod::nod::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb: