'Toxic Dust' on Computers Tied to Disease
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - ``Toxic dust'' found on computer processors and
monitors contains chemicals linked to reproductive and neurological
disorders, according to a new study by several environmental groups.
The survey, released Thursday by Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition,
Computer TakeBack Campaign and Clean Production Action, is among the
first to identify brominated flame retardants on the surfaces of
common devices in homes and offices.
Electronics companies began using polybrominated diphenyl (PBDEs) and
other flame retardants in the 1970s, arguing that the toxins prevent
fires and cannot escape from plastic casings.
``This will be a great surprise to everyone who uses a computer,''
said Ted Smith, director of the Toxics Coalition. ``The chemical
industry is subjecting us all to what amounts to chemical trespass by
putting these substances into use in commerce. They continue to use
their chemicals in ways that are affecting humans and other species.''
Researchers collected samples of dust from dozens of computers in
eight states, including university computer labs in New York, Michigan
and Texas, legislative offices in California, and an interactive
computer display at a children's museum in Maine. They tested for
three types of brominated flame retardants suspected to be hazardous.
The most toxic piece of equipment discovered by the researchers was a
new flat-screen monitor in a university in New York, implying that
newer equipment isn't necessarily cleaner.
Penta- and octa-brominated diphenyl will be taken off the market by
the end of the year. Environmental groups are demanding legislation
that would ban deca-brominated diphenyl, too.
PBDEs, which have caused neurological damage in laboratory rats in
numerous studies, are related to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).
PCBs have been used in fire extinguishers, fluorescent lights and
liquid insulators since the 1920s.
PCBs were outlawed in the 1970s, but the toxins don't erode and still
persist in the environment.
The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, part of the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, and several other
organizations have confirmed that PCBs damage brains of human fetuses.
Scientists have not directly correlated exposure to PBDEs with
specific diseases or developmental impairment. Researchers at
University of California, Davis, and elsewhere are studying possible
links between brominated flame retardants and autism, but results are
years away.
Independent researchers who reviewed the new study say consumers
shouldn't throw out their computers, and they needn't wear special
gloves or minimize exposure to computer monitors. There's no known way
to remove dust-born PBDEs, so special wipes or sprays wouldn't reduce
chemical exposure.
``The levels in the dust are enough to raise a red flag, but not
enough to create a crisis,'' said Dr. Gina Solomon, senior scientist
at the Natural Resources Defense Council and assistant professor of
medicine at University of California, San Francisco. ``I have an old
computer monitor in front of me now, and I'm not about to throw it
away. But when I get a new one, it darn well will be free of these
The electronics industry has been reducing or eliminating some
brominated flame retardants since the late 1990s, when European
countries began prohibiting the sale of products that contain the
Dell Inc. and many other computer makers continue using a flame
retardant related to PBDEs on circuit boards. They use lead, mercury
and other toxins in central processing units and monitors. But Dell,
along with Apple Computer Inc. and others, stopped using PBDEs in
``People can be very confident about their new computer purchase,''
Dell spokesman Bryant Hilton said. ``We've worked a lot with
suppliers, and we require audits and material data sheets on all our
products. It's an important topic to be aware of, and brominated flame
retardants are something we've been very focused on and will continue
to be focused on.''
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - ``Toxic dust'' found on computer processors and
monitors contains chemicals linked to reproductive and neurological
disorders, according to a new study by several environmental groups.
The survey, released Thursday by Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition,
Computer TakeBack Campaign and Clean Production Action, is among the
first to identify brominated flame retardants on the surfaces of
common devices in homes and offices.
Electronics companies began using polybrominated diphenyl (PBDEs) and
other flame retardants in the 1970s, arguing that the toxins prevent
fires and cannot escape from plastic casings.
``This will be a great surprise to everyone who uses a computer,''
said Ted Smith, director of the Toxics Coalition. ``The chemical
industry is subjecting us all to what amounts to chemical trespass by
putting these substances into use in commerce. They continue to use
their chemicals in ways that are affecting humans and other species.''
Researchers collected samples of dust from dozens of computers in
eight states, including university computer labs in New York, Michigan
and Texas, legislative offices in California, and an interactive
computer display at a children's museum in Maine. They tested for
three types of brominated flame retardants suspected to be hazardous.
The most toxic piece of equipment discovered by the researchers was a
new flat-screen monitor in a university in New York, implying that
newer equipment isn't necessarily cleaner.
Penta- and octa-brominated diphenyl will be taken off the market by
the end of the year. Environmental groups are demanding legislation
that would ban deca-brominated diphenyl, too.
PBDEs, which have caused neurological damage in laboratory rats in
numerous studies, are related to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).
PCBs have been used in fire extinguishers, fluorescent lights and
liquid insulators since the 1920s.
PCBs were outlawed in the 1970s, but the toxins don't erode and still
persist in the environment.
The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, part of the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, and several other
organizations have confirmed that PCBs damage brains of human fetuses.
Scientists have not directly correlated exposure to PBDEs with
specific diseases or developmental impairment. Researchers at
University of California, Davis, and elsewhere are studying possible
links between brominated flame retardants and autism, but results are
years away.
Independent researchers who reviewed the new study say consumers
shouldn't throw out their computers, and they needn't wear special
gloves or minimize exposure to computer monitors. There's no known way
to remove dust-born PBDEs, so special wipes or sprays wouldn't reduce
chemical exposure.
``The levels in the dust are enough to raise a red flag, but not
enough to create a crisis,'' said Dr. Gina Solomon, senior scientist
at the Natural Resources Defense Council and assistant professor of
medicine at University of California, San Francisco. ``I have an old
computer monitor in front of me now, and I'm not about to throw it
away. But when I get a new one, it darn well will be free of these
The electronics industry has been reducing or eliminating some
brominated flame retardants since the late 1990s, when European
countries began prohibiting the sale of products that contain the
Dell Inc. and many other computer makers continue using a flame
retardant related to PBDEs on circuit boards. They use lead, mercury
and other toxins in central processing units and monitors. But Dell,
along with Apple Computer Inc. and others, stopped using PBDEs in
``People can be very confident about their new computer purchase,''
Dell spokesman Bryant Hilton said. ``We've worked a lot with
suppliers, and we require audits and material data sheets on all our
products. It's an important topic to be aware of, and brominated flame
retardants are something we've been very focused on and will continue
to be focused on.''