I have found this site that any user of Microsoft or Apple OS might be interested in, yes it is the Penguin, Linux. I have been searching for many years for an alternative to the two big players and have just come across this explanation of Linux which has put in place some understanding of the FREE operating system am sure many of you who like me could get my head around Linux and perhaps had downloaded it but couldent get on with it because you have been brainwashed by the big two and the PC manufactures. Say goodbye to defraging, to anti virus and all the paid for extra software. Here is a link http://www.whylinuxisbetter.net A page will come up an click on the pictures for explanation, go give it a try
I have put this in the General section rather than than the Linux one I hope the Moderators do not mind because only people who already use Linux go in there so thought it would be better in the general section. My apologize and doff my cap if I have done wrong.
Don't need to defrag Mac OSX or need an Anti Virus. It is extremely rare that OSX gets viruses. Infact the last time I can think of MAc OSX getting hit by any sort of virus was back in 2012