Quest Quest via .NET 247
My window console application performs a batch processing job ina certain interval of time. It post (HTTP "POST") data in xmlformat to my ASP.NET application. My question is:
1. How does my ASP.NET application detects if a data is posted toit ? Is there any event driven stuffs that the ASP.NETapplication can deal with when a POST is detected ? Put itsimply, my ASP.NET app should always be in "listening" mode. Atthe moment, I am looking into HTTP handler. Am I going for theright direction ?
2. How do I extract the xml data posted(by the consoleapplication) from ASP.NET app ?
Thanks in advance.
1. How does my ASP.NET application detects if a data is posted toit ? Is there any event driven stuffs that the ASP.NETapplication can deal with when a POST is detected ? Put itsimply, my ASP.NET app should always be in "listening" mode. Atthe moment, I am looking into HTTP handler. Am I going for theright direction ?
2. How do I extract the xml data posted(by the consoleapplication) from ASP.NET app ?
Thanks in advance.