Intercept POST command from ASP.NET

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Quest Quest via .NET 247

My window console application performs a batch processing job ina certain interval of time. It post (HTTP "POST") data in xmlformat to my ASP.NET application. My question is:

1. How does my ASP.NET application detects if a data is posted toit ? Is there any event driven stuffs that the ASP.NETapplication can deal with when a POST is detected ? Put itsimply, my ASP.NET app should always be in "listening" mode. Atthe moment, I am looking into HTTP handler. Am I going for theright direction ?

2. How do I extract the xml data posted(by the consoleapplication) from ASP.NET app ?

Thanks in advance.
The ASP.NET architecture uses HTTP Handlers, Modules, etc., to handle
requests, POST or GET. If you need to intercept the POST, you will have to
write your own custom Handler/Module. The MS Press book (from the ASP.NET
team book) has a diagram of where you will intercept with different types of
derived classes.

Short answer: You are on the right track if you want to use ASP.NET.

If you are dealing with XML, consider setting up a web service instead. You
can have this "service" as ASMX (served by IIS generally) or as a Remoting
class, which can decouple from HTTP and use any port (better idea, a bit
harder to program).

Gregory A. Beamer

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