Carlo Razzeto
Hello, I have a question in regards to .Net string maniplulation. I have a
question in regards to interating over individual characters in a string.
The problem is I have a CSV parser that will successfully parse out quoted
csv files, the only issue is it will leave the leading and ending quotes in
tact. Before I go on I do realize since it's a CSV I could do
stringval.replace( "\"", "" ); but I wanted to take the chance to learn out
to iterate over string values. Anyway, the problem is what I had written
originally to do this was:
if ( stringval[0] == '"' ) {
stringval = stringval.substring( 1, ( stringval.length - 1 ) );
if( stringval[( stringval.length - 1 )] == '"' ) {
stringval = stringval.substring( 0, ( stringval.length - 2 ) );
I wasn't stripping off the last " ever and I realize now that the problem
has to do with .Net storing strings in UNICODE, which allows for character
pairs to reprisent a single character. So my question here is, how does one
iterate over the character values in a string and replace it's value if
question in regards to interating over individual characters in a string.
The problem is I have a CSV parser that will successfully parse out quoted
csv files, the only issue is it will leave the leading and ending quotes in
tact. Before I go on I do realize since it's a CSV I could do
stringval.replace( "\"", "" ); but I wanted to take the chance to learn out
to iterate over string values. Anyway, the problem is what I had written
originally to do this was:
if ( stringval[0] == '"' ) {
stringval = stringval.substring( 1, ( stringval.length - 1 ) );
if( stringval[( stringval.length - 1 )] == '"' ) {
stringval = stringval.substring( 0, ( stringval.length - 2 ) );
I wasn't stripping off the last " ever and I realize now that the problem
has to do with .Net storing strings in UNICODE, which allows for character
pairs to reprisent a single character. So my question here is, how does one
iterate over the character values in a string and replace it's value if