Interactive Button Tool Tip



Is there a way to add text to an Interactive Button that will appear or
pop-up when someone hovers it?

Andrew Murray

Yes you should be able to double click the "normal" state button and add the
"alt" text in the image properties box.


I double-clicked the Interactive Button, then the Images Tab but could not
find "image properties" anywhere. Did I miss something?


The Interactive Button will automatically have alt text added (equal
to the button text) when the button is created. However alt text will
not show in FireFox or Netscape browsers when the button image is
In Code view, find the button and add title="some different text",
which will show in most browsers (all modern browsers) when the button
is hovered over.
<img border="0" id="img4" src="images/button29.gif" height="20"
width="100" alt="Work Arounds" title="How to get round the problems"
onmouseover="etc etc

Andrew Murray

I use interactive buttons, and the "tool tip" is automatically inserted.
But it only has the same text as on the button itself.
see - hover over the
"contact me" button etc on the right hand side.

So, select the button on your page, go to the code view, then you'll see
the code for that button hi-lighted; scroll across through that code and
find the "alt" attribute for that image, and add in your detail tool tip


Thanks to Andrew and Ronx for help. But here I go again with what I hate
about the Web! Is there a way to get around the NN, FF issue?


What issue? The title attribute works in all modern graphical
browsers (IE4+, Netscape6+, Opera5+, Konqueror, Safari, Mozilla,
etc.); it fails in Netscape 4 (but the alt attribute will show), and
fails in some text only browsers (Lynx, for example, but again the alt
text will show).

Internet Explorer wrongly shows the alt text when the image is hovered
over: alt is Alternative - show the image OR show the alt text, but
not both.


Sorry, what I was hoping to do was to be able to show both the graphic and
the alt text in FF & NN when the image is hovered over, similar to IE.

Cheryl D Wise

You can, if you use the title attribute that Ronx mentioned. Alt text is for
accessibility and not for tool tips though IE will treat it that way if
there is not a title attribute and value. Insert a title attribute and you
will get a 'tooltip' in IE, Firefox, Mozila, Opera, Netscape, Safari and
every other versio 5+ browser I know of as well as many version 4 browsers.

Cheryl D. Wise
MS FrontPage MVP
Online instructor led web design training in FrontPage,
Dreamweaver and more!
Next Session June 26th

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