Intellisoft Box Question

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bob
  • Start date Start date


After searching and finding no answer, Bob Vance asked:

When my Intellisoft box comes up on screen it asks me if I want to [Save]
the [No] button is high lighted how can I change it to the [Yes] button!

Thanks in advance.........Bob Vance
For those interested:
You have to change the code written for on-click event of Save button. Open
the form in design mode, right click to see Properties window. On the events
tab of Properties scroll to On Click event. Click a ...(triple dots button)
beside "Event Procedure". This open code window,

Please goto following line of code and replace with new line I had given.

If MsgBox("Do You Want To Save?", vbQuestion + vbApplicationModal + vbYesNo
+ vbDefaultButton2, "Intellisoft") = vbYes Then