Intellimouse 5.0

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chuck Gibson
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Chuck Gibson

I just purchased a Wireless Optical Desktop Pro package with a wireless
keyboard and mouse. I have now lost the ability to set the wheel-button to
a keystroke! I use to keep it set so I could click it and have a delete
command. It was great when reading mail, and cut way back on the screen
mileage. I did find where MS says "The Microsoft IntelliPoint feature set
was updated for version 5.0 - This behavior is by design." Also, the side
buttons no longer let me go to the next mail message in Outlook Express. I
know that this is a driver/software issue, and I tried to go back to IP4.x
that is still on the site, but no joy.

Any suggestions? My favorite part of my mouse is now gone.

Unfortunately, that feature is not available in the current version of the
Intellipoint software.

MS knows that this is a popular request from users though.
Well, I have to wonder sometimes how and why MS makes some of these
decisions. So, now I am reduced to one of those "I hate M$" people - when I
have always been one of the people who said "But their stuff works - and
really it works better than anyone elses does!"

Jason, I am sure you do not have Bill Gates ear, but someone needs to get
the point across to them that it is little things like this that make people
like me, some of their biggest supporters, into M$ haters. I am going to be
reminded SEVERAL HUNDRED TIMES A DAY about this when I go to use my mouse
the way I have for the last several years, and the only explanation I can
find on the MS site is "This Behavior is by Design" which translates in my
unhappy mind to "screw you".

Of course, this has just turned into a rant - which is not me at all - so I
will stop now, and go back to using my now inferior mouse.
While I am under NDA, I've been assured that the problem will be fixed
shortly. That's all I can say on that matter for now.

Thanks for saving me some typing Chuck.
I'm glad you posted first because if I had to put it in my own words, I
don't think I could have done it without some profanity.
On the bright side though, this "Updated Feature Set" has saved me about US
$145 so far.
It caused me to return an Intellimouse Explorer Bluetooth, which I'd bought
on the day it hit the store shelves.
It also has caused me to return the Intellimouse Explorer 4.0 which I had
justified purchasing by naively assuming that; MS has surely unfuxed err...
unfixed Intellipoint by now (I think it's been about a year) and had the
genius responsible for the Innovational change meet with some sort of fatal

But apparently I was wrong.

What would passify me considerably, would be to know what the F was the
reasoning behind this change.
MS's lack of action despite thousands of irate users leaves me to believe it
must have something to do with a lawsuit. Did someone's intellectual
property get used without their permission or what?

And Jason, this is not directed at you at all, but after this amount of
time, simply stating that "the problem will be fixed shortly" without a
specific ETA is, to me, about as insulting as someone telling me "the check
is in the mail" when I'm fairly certain it's not.

Basically, I feel like MS is telling me to shut up and go away (which is
something I may consider doing).

Okay, I don't have any more time to waste on this issue today. Gotta run.

Take it easy guys!

PS. Jason I commend you on not losing your cool in spite of the high volume
of flames that must be (wrongfully) directed at you just because you show up
here to help.

I'm out,
I was recently at Microsoft's HQ in Redmond, and I brought up this very

There are reasons why functionality wasn't in this release, and I've been
assured that the problem will be addressed. I cannot comment anymore as I
am under NDA.
Thank you Jason.
I have another question if you don't mind.
I've read posts here and there about a knowledgebase article explaining how
to hack the registry so that Intellipoint 4.x can be reinstalled. However I
have yet to find a link to the KB article nor have I had any luck searching
the KB.
This may be due to the fact that those who mention the article are mostly
complaining that the registry hacks don't work. I'd like to try for myself
to find out as I can't seem to get Intellipoint 5.x out of my machine.

Do you (or anyone else) have a link to such information?

Disregard my previous post as I have got 4.12 installed and working now. I
believe (can't be sure) all I had to do was to delete the 5.x installation
folder but not touch the registry.

Thanks anyway!
If you really want to use IntelliPoint 5.0, a program could easily be
written to create a system hook that would allow you to add most any
functionality. If there's any interest, I'd be willing to whip
together a simple program.
If you really want to use IntelliPoint 5.0, a program could easily be
written to create a system hook that would allow you to add most any
functionality. If there's any interest, I'd be willing to whip
together a simple program.
Would it be freeware or shareware?
I'd be interested. Yet Jason seems to be hinting that a new software is
in development to give the mouse back its functionality. So, do you
think you can give more functionality?

"The very belief that violence is unavoidable
is a root cause of violence."
Samdhong Rinpoche
1st Democratically Elected Chairman of the
Tibetan Cabinet-in-Exile
After meeting with the product team in charge of IP5.0, I'm confidient that
a solution to the lost fucntionality issue will be released when it is

That's all I am allowed to say on that topic for now.
jason- said:
After meeting with the product team in charge of IP5.0, I'm confidient that
a solution to the lost fucntionality issue will be released when it is

Thanks. I hope a fire is lit under their butts. :)
There seem to be a huge number of similar mouse problems lately. It
might be a good idea if the dev and test team check for issues with with
recent updates.
That's all I am allowed to say on that topic for now.

Gotta love NDA answers. :)

("released when ready": what a love and hate answer. ;) )

"The very belief that violence is unavoidable
is a root cause of violence."
Samdhong Rinpoche
1st Democratically Elected Chairman of the
Tibetan Cabinet-in-Exile
I just purchased a Wireless Optical Desktop Pro package with a wireless
keyboard and mouse. I have now lost the ability to set the wheel-button to
a keystroke! I use to keep it set so I could click it and have a delete
command. It was great when reading mail, and cut way back on the screen
mileage. I did find where MS says "The Microsoft IntelliPoint feature set
was updated for version 5.0 - This behavior is by design." Also, the side
buttons no longer let me go to the next mail message in Outlook Express. I
know that this is a driver/software issue, and I tried to go back to IP4.x
that is still on the site, but no joy.

Any suggestions? My favorite part of my mouse is now gone.

You need Intellimouse 4.x, I am sure its available unofficially from
some other sites. Do a search on Google.

Peter Hutchison
Windows FAQ