I've got a friend who wants to build a new dual-core cpu gaming machine.
He's going to use the machine for nothing but gaming.
Though I always use AMD whenever possible I understand that Intel is now
taking over the lead...but have heard that AMD is still best for a gaming
Since I'm not into games any more advanced than the win3x version of
Can anyone here give a good suggestion for a CPU?
The guy has a budget of about $700 (USD) for CPU, motherboard , video card
and RAM...so it will probably have to be a "lower-end" dual core.
Since it's for gaming, the question is really one of how
much money is left in the budget after the other parts
besides the CPU... because the CPU will make the least
For a general purpose system, Core2Duo is the better choice.
For a gaming system, budgeting towards an nVidia 8800(%%%)
video card is the first choice, it will make more difference
towards the goal than spending more for a Core2Duo versus
less on an Athlon 64... though whether you go dual or single
core is not so much difference "today", on a budget a single
core can be as much performance per dollar at least for the
time being. At some point in the future games will benefit
a lot more from dual cores, but at that point it may be time
to replace some parts again too, so it is a bit hard to
think "future" when building a gaming system.
Then again we don't know how much of a stickler your friend
is for max details/eyecandy in games, nor what resolution
he's going to use. The less picky he is (or lower
requirement from native resolution of an LCD?) the less the
budget needs to accomodate a higher end video card.
Does the friend have a very strong PSU? Going from an older
generation system to a modern gaming system, the current
demands on the 12V rail can climb quite a bit, I'm just
wondering if the budget is able to accomodate a new PSU if
it's required.
$700 is cutting it close for a Core2Duo in a gaming system,
if that won't fit the budget then go with AMD. 1GB vs 2GB
of memory is also a hard choice on this budget. A bit more
detail about what else the friend might use the system for
could help you decide. While I'm not encouraging anyone to
use Vista, it is the path for DX10 gaming and if that is
likely during the life of this system, 2GB of memory might
make more sense and put the Core2Duo out of reach for this