Besides all that you might want (need) to do a repair
install. Then you would need to reinstall SP1 and other
message | Thank David
| My board is exactly like you told.My IAA version is
| memory is rdram kingston 1066 Rambuss 32
| bits.I don't know exactly what is the good settings for my
| ram.Can you help me?
| >-----Original Message-----
| message
| >| >> Hi,
| >> I have an ASUS P4T533.With my old processor(P4 2.4ghz)
| >> everythings are OK.I changed my processor to a P4
| >> 3.06ghzHT,now I'm in trouble;drivers,blue
| >> page,reboot,etc...
| >
| >Check that your board supports the new processor. The
| Asus website
| >
| states that the
| >P4T533 only supports the 3.06GHz Intel Pentium 4
| processor from motherboard
| >PCB revision 1.03 and BIOS rev 1005 onwards; does your
| board meet both these
| >criteria?
| >
| >You should also check that your heatsink is fitted
| correctly, and if you're
| >using the Intel Application Accelerator IDE caching
| software, ensure that
| >you have the latest version:
| >
| >
| >Check too that the memory timings are set correctly in
| your BIOS for your
| >memory.
| >
| >Hope this helps.
| >
| >
| >.
| >