Intel P4 3.4 HT upgrade


Feb 23, 2002
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I've had my PC for quite a while now, and I've been mulling over an upgrade for a few weeks. Every time I spec out something on the forum for someone I feel the need to upgrade :D

I've currently got:

  • Intel P4 3.4Ghz HT
  • 2GB Ram
  • ATI X800XT
It's not a bad system at all, and it currently runs everything I want - so the sensible side of me is telling me to wait. ;)

Has anyone made the leap from this sort of spec PC to something with a new Core 2 Duo, or a fast X2 cpu? I'd really be interested to know if I'd see much of a difference.

This system is actually an off the shelf Dell which was at a silly price, so I couldn't resist going a non-self build route that time. This time I feel the need to get building again though :thumb:
That's what I half have my eye on :D Do you think it would be a massive boost from the current system?
Theres no doubt when it comes to multitasking/video editing etc you will see the benefits :thumb:

If you do go for a Q6600, then make sure you get the latest G0 stepping as opposed to the old B3, as it uses less power and thus runs cooler ;)
Tell us how much your going to spend and if you need a case etc and the hunt can start .
I still need to count up the pennies over the next couple of months, so I'll probably know what I can spend then - and I'll be sure to post here first ;) Thanks for the advice :)

The G0 should be a fun overclocking project too!
Ian Cunningham said:
The G0 should be a fun overclocking project too!
Yep - should be able to go past 3GHz easily on air with that :thumb:
If your going to be waiting for a few months, it may be worth seeing how the Penryn prices up. ;)

and the G92's out around september-december time, the 88s will be cheap too. :)
But if you are waiting until winter you may as well wait about to see how the new Barcelona AM2+ AMD cpus turn out.

Even if they aren't as fast, it will certainly pull the prices of the old hardware down more :thumb:
hi ian

i had a P 3.0GHz with a 6800 ultra AGP

i wanted to get myself a new graphics card, i dint want to get the 7800 - so it left me with only one way to go - PCI-E

thinking back, i should really have waited - but i had already saved up :) and AMD had a prices drop - which roped me in

got myself a 4600+ and 7950 GX2
runs very well - and out preforms my old pc on beanch tests - i only notices better proformance at load up and when playing the lastest games

i say upgrade if you have the money - if you wait a few months - you will end up asking your self if you should wait a little longer !