Intel HD 4000 for crunching


Hon. Acoustical Engineer
Mar 16, 2002
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I have been reading a bit on the possibility of using the Intel HD 4000 for graphics processing. The key requirement is OpenCL which this integrated processor supports. However, so far the WU are not available and I possibly may need to upgrade to a higher version of the Boinc manager.

If anyone here has more info on this please share your thoughts. I will on my part continue to check on this from time to time.

I don't have issue with the development version but sure enough the issue is lack of wprk units which I believe will be available as time passes by. Maybe just have to be patient.:D
BOINC has now declared the 7.0.64 version as Recommended.

I would recommend the AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series GPU.
I have 10 of them, if that helps. They can support a 0.2C + 0.2ATI configuration.
If that doesn't mean anything to you, just ask.
I like helping my co-members. :fool:
P.S. - You can probably get a 7700 GPU on eBay for about $100.
Since WCG Hcc1 is completing their contract, I imagine GPUs will be getting cheaper and cheaper.