My computer has an Intel D975XBX (*not* XBX2) board. This device isn't
logo'd for Vista. The Windows Upgrade tool doesn't have a problem with it.
I have ran a search here and on the internet, and it seems that a number of
machines are indeed running Vista with that board. So my question is - what
does "not logo'd" mean? Is it just that the board should be able to run
Vista but wasn't designed for it? Or am I taking real risks by attempting to
run Vista (I'm planning to use Vista Ultimate)?
My computer has an Intel D975XBX (*not* XBX2) board. This device isn't
logo'd for Vista. The Windows Upgrade tool doesn't have a problem with it.
I have ran a search here and on the internet, and it seems that a number of
machines are indeed running Vista with that board. So my question is - what
does "not logo'd" mean? Is it just that the board should be able to run
Vista but wasn't designed for it? Or am I taking real risks by attempting to
run Vista (I'm planning to use Vista Ultimate)?