JW said:
I'm considering AMD instead of Intel. But, a friend of mine
who works as a Techie in a Television Station, is very familiar with
Microcomputers, and he has been on Seminars where they were discussing
the merits and flaws of both Intel and AMD. He was told that AMD
typically does NOT do the CHECKSUMS as often, and to the same degree,
as Intel. Is this true, and could this result in data corruption?
Checksums? Checksums are normally done in software, so are completely
CPU-independent. If your data is sensitive, implement checksums in your
Then what about the adage: You get what you pay for? Does
Intel COSTmore because it's WORTH more?
A non-argument. Cost is regulated by market forces which have little or
nothing to do with quality or performance. Take cars. A Toyota is
cheaper than a Ford, yet more reliable and fuel-efficient. But hey,
maybe the Ford is 'worth' more...
Or to stay on-topic for computing, take Rambus memory- it's been
consistently vastly more expensive than plain old SDRAM derivatives, yet
apart from a brief period in the early P4 era it only just managed to
equal (DDR-)SDRAM performance, it ran hotter and was less flexible (max
2 modules per channel with a performance loss for 2 as compared to 1).
That's not to say that cheaper is always better, it's just to illustrate
the pointlessness of such an argument.
....or AUTOCAD, or 3D modelling, or photo and text editing?
I'm just wondering.
Text editing can be done perfectly satisfactorily on a Digital PDP-11
from the 1970s...
Photoshop is FPU intensive when running filters and utilises SSE(2)
extensions. Before AMD supported SSE2, Intel and AMD CPUs were about
equal, since SSE2 support AMD wins hands down, particularly when
measured on a performance/dollar scale.
In Autocad an Athlon 64 3400+ performs on average 8.3% better than a
similarly priced P4-3200
Are we talking faster frame rates AND high resolution, at the
same time?
Whatever you want. Either a lot more of one or a little more of both.
It's just a ratio you can set as user. More power just gives you a
little more choice.
In the computer world, SECONDS is an awfully long time! Such a
time lag is a VERY SIGNIFICANT difference.
So assuming there is a 1-second advantage for CPU x in Excel (Winstone
Business 2004 benchmark, say). Assume doing 12 such calculations per
day, five days a week, makes one minute's difference. That means a whole
lunch break per year (allowing for holidays etc), assuming the employee
in question never ever does anything parallel...
That must compare to nose-picking in terms of time wastage (plus the
obvious fact that an employee incapable of multitasking is a far bigger
problem in itself)
But isn't faster memory related to CPU speed?
The most important factors are the speed of the memory chips (far slower
than CPUs these days) and the width of the bus with which to access
them, determining how many chips can be accessed in parallel. A close
second is the latency, how long it takes for a request for data from the
CPU to get to the memory and back.
Using two memory controllers in parallel can double maximum throughput,
a step Apple incidentally took in the mid 1990s, years before PC chipset
makers thought of it (and even then it was the rather obscure ALi who
first implemented it on the little-known Aladdin 7 chipset, which could
take both Intel and AMD Socket 7 chips). These days most performance
chipsets have dual channel access.
Latency can be addressed by CPU cacheing (mainstream CPUs now have a
Megabyte of L2 cache) and integrating memory controllers into the CPU
(which AMD has done in the Athlon 64 series).
Pure CPU speed can even be a handicap, because it means the CPU is
running so much faster than the memory that it spends an awful length of
time idle waiting for data. The first Celeron CPUs based on the P4
illustrated that, with the CPU running up to 28 times faster than the
bus that connects it to the outside world and 14 times faster than the
best memory it could be paired up with, yet a tiny 128KB cache which
couldn't compensate for it.
I guess you could say that a $200 difference may be NAME
related. But what does it REALLY mean when Intel costs about $800 MORE
than the equivalen AMD?
It means that the marketplace is prepared to pay $800 more for snake oil
brand x rather than snake oil brand y. Assuming (as I do, incidentally)
that the intrinsic value of Intel and AMD chips is almost identical, if
Intel can get away with charging more, who are we to complain. AMD would
do the same if they could- and that they can't is merely a product of
market perceptions. In fact, as savvy consumers our response should be
to favour the better value over the inflated repuation, a choice that
collectively will push up AMD prices and drop Intel prices. And if Intel
ever becomes cheaper whilst delivering comparable intrinsic value- hell,
buy Intel.
But, isn't the Intel P4 a 64 bit processor?
The only thing '64-bit' about the P4 is it's bus, but then Intel (and
AMD) buses have been 64b wide since the days of the first Pentium in
1993. What is commonly meant by '64b' is that is can address 64b of
(virtual) data and process 64b long instructions. In that sense the P4
is firmly 32 bit, at least, except for the very latest EMT64-P4 CPUs,
which (just like the Athlon 64, incidentally) consist of a traditional
32b chip with a set of 64b extensions bolted on.
'True' 64b chips are rare beasts, Intel has its Itanium, Sun the
UltraSparc, and HP the PA-RISC64 and Alpha CPUs. MIPS also had a few in
times gone by, and IBM has its Power-series (with derivatives in Apple
G5 systems). However these chips are rarely seen on the desktop (OK, I'm
typing this on an Ultrasparc IIi-based machine, but this is not a
typical desktop

), mainly because they don't run Windows (except the
Alpha which ran NT) and are prohibitively expensive.
64b is a double-edged sword too, because having to double the length of
all addresses seriously bloats code, which decreases performance. 64b is
mainly hype, the prime use for most mortals is that it allows more than
4GB of RAM on a fairly simple motherboard.
And just for the record, I own more Intel-based systems (4 in use) than
AMD-based ones (2). I greatly admire Intel CPUs from a technical point
of view, as do I AMD CPUs and other more obscure stuff as well- I
particularly like Intel's tendency to over-engineer slightly. But when
price becomes a factor (as it always is in the real world), you want the
most bang for your buck. And Intel usually (though not always!) does not
As an excercise, take a good benchmark in an application you consider
important. Then look up the prices of the CPUs in a pricewatch or
whatever. Divide the performance by the price. Then list the CPUs in
terms of price/performance. Finally choose the minimum performance
(and/or the maximum price) you are prepared to accept and discard the
CPUs that fail that mark. Choose the cheapest of what is left. That is
the rational way to choose a CPU.
7 times out of 10 that will lead to an AMD CPU at the moment. The
remainder will usually be laptops, where the Intel Pentium-M and
Celeron-M lines are quite remarkable, particularly as they combine
excellent performance with extreme economy in electrical terms.
And as for reliability- there are two relevant points:
1) the economic lifespan of a system
2) the technical lifespan of a system
In business most computers are written of over 3 years, which means that
almost always the techinical lifespan is much longer. For home use 5
years is more common and then technical issues become more important. A
system is good if its technical lifespan is longer than its economic
one. The technical bottleneck is almost always the moving parts. CPUs
don't move.
If you intend to play with your hardware, rebuild your computers
regularly and swap components, the physical strenght of CPUs becomes
relevant, and until the advent of the Athlon 64 Intel had a considerable
advantage due to their aforementioned over-engineering.
But idiots like me account for less than one percent of users. If you're
one of the 99%, your CPU will stay in one place and never be at risk
from the dreaded core crunch (which incidentally CAN happen with older
Intel P3 CPUs too, a fact I can unfortunately relate out of personal
experience- although the cause was a badly secured heatsink which
bounced around too much during a long drive. That (as with similar AMD
incidents) was user negligence, not a design fault.