Tony wrote in message...
Richard, that is *exactly* the impression I had from reading in
the Abit forum: That the IC7 series boards would not enable PAT
with all four RAM slots in use, *period*.
That's definitely not a correct summary of the situation.
No one on the Abit board ever mentioned PAT working with all
4 slots in use. There may be a good reason for that: there's a
very real chance that they're all overclocking.
Yep, eminently possible. You've also got the situation where most
enthusiasts will go for two sticks because they know this is the best option
as far as performance goes.
Since you seem to be having the success and stabilty I'm seeking
with an IC7-G, can I ask what brand and configuration of memory
you're using?
The one thing I will say right now is that I'm using two sticks at the
moment - two 512MB sticks of Corsair PC4400 to be exact. However, I'm also
running my PC at 270MHz FSB with a P4 2.6C and 1:1 CPU:memory bus.
The four stick configuration was a stopgap when I got my first IC7-G. The
memory would, I'm pretty sure, have been Corsair XMS3200. I found within a
very short amount of testing that while performance mode worked fine at or
around default memory bus speed, it was very quickly disabled as I raised
the FSB. However, with two sticks, as mentioned above, the system maintains
full performance when running well in excess of the chipset's design
Richard Hopkins
Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
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