Epia seems a bit extreme to me, too expensive, too wimpy, did I mention
too expensive? So I have been snooping around for something cheap to
play with, and brought home a old Micron PC Clientpro I found at a
recycle place. So far it looks promising, but I haven't dug too far
into what it can and can't do.
Intel 810e motherboard, socket 370 with a 667 Celeron, no memory, but a
handy stick of pc133 256MB is working fine, 10 GB hard drive isn't
staying (but does have XP pro installed, if I could ever get past login
password), a CDrom, floppy, and dual I assume USB 1.0 ports front and
back. Tiger 140 watt PS, in a FlexLP case, and only 400 left on the
pallet this one came from.
Motherboard seems to support two low power modes, a instant on keep ram
alive mode, and conventional save ram to hard drive and more fully
power down. The PCI backplate slots are short, but other than a second
NIC, or USB 2.0 I don't think I need any expansion.
Some flavor of Linux I guess will be going on it, but I am kind of new
to the low power stuff, and Linux other than some cookbook NetBSD
routers I put together a few years ago.
Not sure really what I will have it do, maybe just act as a scheduler
to wake up more powerfull systems to record video etc., but guessing it
should be able to handle light print and file server duties.
**************************** Posting here since I don't know a better
low power PC place.
too expensive? So I have been snooping around for something cheap to
play with, and brought home a old Micron PC Clientpro I found at a
recycle place. So far it looks promising, but I haven't dug too far
into what it can and can't do.
Intel 810e motherboard, socket 370 with a 667 Celeron, no memory, but a
handy stick of pc133 256MB is working fine, 10 GB hard drive isn't
staying (but does have XP pro installed, if I could ever get past login
password), a CDrom, floppy, and dual I assume USB 1.0 ports front and
back. Tiger 140 watt PS, in a FlexLP case, and only 400 left on the
pallet this one came from.
Motherboard seems to support two low power modes, a instant on keep ram
alive mode, and conventional save ram to hard drive and more fully
power down. The PCI backplate slots are short, but other than a second
NIC, or USB 2.0 I don't think I need any expansion.
Some flavor of Linux I guess will be going on it, but I am kind of new
to the low power stuff, and Linux other than some cookbook NetBSD
routers I put together a few years ago.
Not sure really what I will have it do, maybe just act as a scheduler
to wake up more powerfull systems to record video etc., but guessing it
should be able to handle light print and file server duties.
**************************** Posting here since I don't know a better
low power PC place.