Intel 537EP modem *.dll question...



Whilst stabbing around trying to erroneously get hyperthreading working on
my D935, when this/my cpu doesn't even have it on it,
(...kindly pointed out by Colin Barnhorst :), I did a XP Home ed.
slipstreamed SP2 repair install, which hiccupped when it couldn't find
IntelCdi.dll for a PCI data fax modem that I'd forgotten was even in there!
The modem is an "Intel 537EP," and no amount of rummaging on the CD for it,
during that hiccup, could I find that file.

In the end I "bypassed" it, and after the repair install, and at the third
attempt at "rummage and find it online," or whatever it was called in Device
Manager, ...and I guess the procedure was scuttling along to MS to try and
find a "best fit" *.dll, found and installed one called IntelCci.dll resulting in the modem
reporting that it's alive and well ! purely out of curiosity, can anyone shed any light on what happened
there ?

regards, Richard


....bored are we, ...PD43 ?

LOL ! There's lots of Europeans in here, who, I might say, have not
bastardised the English language to the extent that Americans have
bastardised it :)

regards, Richard

Ken Blake, MVP

...bored are we, ...PD43 ?

LOL ! There's lots of Europeans in here, who, I might say, have not
bastardised the English language to the extent that Americans have
bastardised it :)

Is this an example of the pot calling the kettle black? In either the
American or British variety of English, that should be "There are..."

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