I've got a computer with graphics and sound on the motherboard. I'm
wondering if upgrading to pci-e and pci (sound) parts would reduce cpu
Is CPU utilization a specific problem? Or is this just a
random thing you wonder about?
Generally integrated video and sound do not have inherant
CPU utilization issues at all, the question is not relevant
except in specific situations.
Onboard sound is often lower quality, lesser featured, but
towards CPU utilization the main issue is whether you're
trying to do 3D gaming with more than 2 channel output, in
which case most (all?) onboard sound uses software and host
(CPU) processing for these 3D gaming sound effects. Many
PCI/PCI-e cards do (or will) do this too... the main reason
why Creative Labs cards with hardware EAX are popular for
gamers, but mostly a waste for typical non-gaming uses.
Onboard video is in itself a bottleneck that has little to
do with the CPU. The video processor itself is slower at 3D
and certain (HD) 2D uses, but mainly it has inherant system
memory bandwidth issues. System memory is simply slower
than video card onboard memory on most modern video cards.
This is most apparent in CAD or 3D gaming but you make no
mention on your needs or the use of the system so...
In general, no unless you have a specific use in mind,
there's no reason to change them at this time. It's not
that there aren't reasons enough, but one would have to
consider (know) those.