Hi, Am trying to write an Excel sheet to take an amount of cash
(Allocated amount) and work out how many of each denomination of bank
note/coins are required to make it up.
I've used Rounddown, Int and Mod and all give the same problem that
towards the bottom of the table the function should give a value 1, but
actually gives value 0 e.g. 0.01 divided by 0.01 gives 1, but INT of
the result gives 0 instead of the expected 1.
It seems that after repeating the INT function 12 odd times the result
of 0.01 divided by 0.01 is actually less than 1 (because INT and
Rounddown both return 0), but is displayed as 1.
See attached. Change the figure in the grey cell. Sometimes it works,
sometimes not!?
Any help appreciated.
File Attached: http://www.exceltip.com/forum/attachment.php?postid=297207 (int example.xls)
(Allocated amount) and work out how many of each denomination of bank
note/coins are required to make it up.
I've used Rounddown, Int and Mod and all give the same problem that
towards the bottom of the table the function should give a value 1, but
actually gives value 0 e.g. 0.01 divided by 0.01 gives 1, but INT of
the result gives 0 instead of the expected 1.
It seems that after repeating the INT function 12 odd times the result
of 0.01 divided by 0.01 is actually less than 1 (because INT and
Rounddown both return 0), but is displayed as 1.
See attached. Change the figure in the grey cell. Sometimes it works,
sometimes not!?
Any help appreciated.

File Attached: http://www.exceltip.com/forum/attachment.php?postid=297207 (int example.xls)