Jason Hemmer
Alright I hope someone can help me figure something out.
Everytime I start my PC after desktop loads I get an error
that just simply says "insufficient memory". My specs for
my PC are as follows:
Windows 2k Pro
Celeron 1.7Ghz
Nvidia GeForce 4 with 128 MB of DDR
2x512mb @266 DDR RAM
60GB Hardrive at 60% left
and my virtual memory settings are set to recommended at
least I think they are.
Am I overclocked? I think I did something wrong and I
can't quite figure it out, so I'm wondering if someone can
help me, thank you very much for your time.
Everytime I start my PC after desktop loads I get an error
that just simply says "insufficient memory". My specs for
my PC are as follows:
Windows 2k Pro
Celeron 1.7Ghz
Nvidia GeForce 4 with 128 MB of DDR
2x512mb @266 DDR RAM
60GB Hardrive at 60% left
and my virtual memory settings are set to recommended at
least I think they are.
Am I overclocked? I think I did something wrong and I
can't quite figure it out, so I'm wondering if someone can
help me, thank you very much for your time.