Thank you. And yes...I meant extract when I stated 'peel out'. This was
working fine. I was just thrown a curve ball. The <DO NOT EDIT> has just
become random. If this string is anywhere with in my text, can I extract
that as well? Meaning, If I have <DO NOT EDIT> at the beginning and the end
of the string I am looking for, can I extract that text? If so, I can Change
the statement at the beginning and end to extract many different strings.
The database we use has limited fields for cutome data. This would gives me
more ways to store and extract what is needed.
Duane Hookom said:
What do you mean by "peel out"? Do you mean just remove everything after or
return everything after?
=Mid([MemoField], Instr([MemoField],"<DO NOT EDIT>")+14)
If you want everything before, use the Left() function.
Duane Hookom
Microsoft Access MVP
116 said:
I have a memo field which contains at the bottom, specific text following
'<DO NOT EDIT>'. I would like to peel out everything after the '<DO NOT
EDIT>' for reporting. Having trouble trying to format. Any help would be
greatly appreciaited.