I have this code. Which is the beginning of class. The last line
objSI = new TBRSendDocInfo has an error when this code
executes objSI is nothing.
What would cause a object not be able to instantiate it???
The object TBRSendDocInfo definition is below this code.
<Transaction(TransactionOption.RequiresNew)> Public Class
Inherits ServicedComponent
Public objSI As TBRSendDocInfo
Private CapType As String
Private CapID As Integer
Private justTimesheet As Boolean
Private SickDefault As Date = "01/01/1980"
Private HolidayDefault As Date = "01/01/1981"
Private LWOPDefault As Date = "01/01/1982"
Private Const WorkedDefault As String = "01/01/1984"
Private Const NotWorkedDefault As String = "01/01/1985"
Public Function ProcessTimesheetWeekly(ByVal tswID As Integer) As Integer
objSD = clsServiceDefaults.Load("C:\Windows\TBRServices.xml",
Connstr = objSD.TBRConnCap
WebConnstr = objSD.TBRWebConnCap
gTestEmail = objSD.TestEmailCap
Dim objCI As New tblCapturedInvoices(mdsDatabaseV3.mdsDbType.dbSQL)
Dim objTW As New tblwebTimesheetWeekly(mdsDatabaseV3.mdsDbType.dbSQL)
Dim objDB As New mdsDatabaseV3.cMDSTableData(Connstr,
Dim objWDB As New mdsDatabaseV3.cMDSTableData(WebConnstr,
Dim objDR As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
Dim objPR As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
Dim SQL, s As String
Dim i, j, wk, newID, wksInv As Integer
Dim objR As DataRow
Dim submitted As Date
objSI = New TBRSendDocInfo
Imports System.Xml.Serialization
Imports System.IO
Public Class PDFDocInfo
Public InputFile As String
Public DocType As String
Public OutputFile As String
End Class
Public Class TBRSendDocInfo
Public ID As Integer
Public FirstName As String
Public LastName As String
Public Email As String
Public RecipientName As String
Public Subject As String
Public Body As String
Public LesterUser As String
Public FromEmail As String
<XmlIgnore()> Public PDFDocs As New ArrayList
Public Sub AddPDFDocInfo(ByVal pdfinfo As PDFDocInfo)
End Sub
Public Function AddNewPDFDocInfo() As PDFDocInfo
Dim newPDFDocInfo As New PDFDocInfo
Return newPDFDocInfo
End Function
Public Property SendPDFDocs() As PDFDocInfo()
Dim numPDFDocs As Integer
If PDFDocs.Count = 0 Then
numPDFDocs = 0
numPDFDocs = PDFDocs.Count - 1
End If
Dim PDFDocInfoArray(numPDFDocs) As PDFDocInfo
Return PDFDocInfoArray
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As PDFDocInfo())
If Not Value Is Nothing Then
Dim PDFDocInfo As PDFDocInfo
For Each PDFDocInfo In Value
End If
End Set
End Property
Public Function Save(ByVal filename As String)
Dim tempFilename As String
tempFilename = filename & ".tmp"
Dim tempFileInfo As New FileInfo(tempFilename)
If tempFileInfo.Exists = True Then tempFileInfo.Delete()
Dim stream As New FileStream(tempFilename, FileMode.Create)
tempFileInfo.CopyTo(filename, True)
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Error on Save of file " & filename & ". " & vbCrLf & ex.Message)
End Try
End Function
Public Function Save(ByVal stream As Stream)
Dim serializer As New XmlSerializer(Me.GetType)
serializer.Serialize(stream, Me)
End Function
Public Shared Function Load(ByVal filename As String, ByVal newType As Type)
As Object
Dim fileInfo As New FileInfo(filename)
If fileInfo.Exists = False Then
Return System.Activator.CreateInstance(newType)
End If
Dim stream As New FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open)
Dim newObject As Object = Load(stream, newType)
Return newObject
End Function
Public Shared Function Load(ByVal stream As Stream, ByVal newType As Type)
As Object
Dim serializer As New XmlSerializer(newType)
Dim newObject As Object = serializer.Deserialize(stream)
Return newObject
End Function
End Class
I have this code. Which is the beginning of class. The last line
objSI = new TBRSendDocInfo has an error when this code
executes objSI is nothing.
What would cause a object not be able to instantiate it???
The object TBRSendDocInfo definition is below this code.
<Transaction(TransactionOption.RequiresNew)> Public Class
Inherits ServicedComponent
Public objSI As TBRSendDocInfo
Private CapType As String
Private CapID As Integer
Private justTimesheet As Boolean
Private SickDefault As Date = "01/01/1980"
Private HolidayDefault As Date = "01/01/1981"
Private LWOPDefault As Date = "01/01/1982"
Private Const WorkedDefault As String = "01/01/1984"
Private Const NotWorkedDefault As String = "01/01/1985"
Public Function ProcessTimesheetWeekly(ByVal tswID As Integer) As Integer
objSD = clsServiceDefaults.Load("C:\Windows\TBRServices.xml",
Connstr = objSD.TBRConnCap
WebConnstr = objSD.TBRWebConnCap
gTestEmail = objSD.TestEmailCap
Dim objCI As New tblCapturedInvoices(mdsDatabaseV3.mdsDbType.dbSQL)
Dim objTW As New tblwebTimesheetWeekly(mdsDatabaseV3.mdsDbType.dbSQL)
Dim objDB As New mdsDatabaseV3.cMDSTableData(Connstr,
Dim objWDB As New mdsDatabaseV3.cMDSTableData(WebConnstr,
Dim objDR As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
Dim objPR As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
Dim SQL, s As String
Dim i, j, wk, newID, wksInv As Integer
Dim objR As DataRow
Dim submitted As Date
objSI = New TBRSendDocInfo
Imports System.Xml.Serialization
Imports System.IO
Public Class PDFDocInfo
Public InputFile As String
Public DocType As String
Public OutputFile As String
End Class
Public Class TBRSendDocInfo
Public ID As Integer
Public FirstName As String
Public LastName As String
Public Email As String
Public RecipientName As String
Public Subject As String
Public Body As String
Public LesterUser As String
Public FromEmail As String
<XmlIgnore()> Public PDFDocs As New ArrayList
Public Sub AddPDFDocInfo(ByVal pdfinfo As PDFDocInfo)
End Sub
Public Function AddNewPDFDocInfo() As PDFDocInfo
Dim newPDFDocInfo As New PDFDocInfo
Return newPDFDocInfo
End Function
Public Property SendPDFDocs() As PDFDocInfo()
Dim numPDFDocs As Integer
If PDFDocs.Count = 0 Then
numPDFDocs = 0
numPDFDocs = PDFDocs.Count - 1
End If
Dim PDFDocInfoArray(numPDFDocs) As PDFDocInfo
Return PDFDocInfoArray
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As PDFDocInfo())
If Not Value Is Nothing Then
Dim PDFDocInfo As PDFDocInfo
For Each PDFDocInfo In Value
End If
End Set
End Property
Public Function Save(ByVal filename As String)
Dim tempFilename As String
tempFilename = filename & ".tmp"
Dim tempFileInfo As New FileInfo(tempFilename)
If tempFileInfo.Exists = True Then tempFileInfo.Delete()
Dim stream As New FileStream(tempFilename, FileMode.Create)
tempFileInfo.CopyTo(filename, True)
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Error on Save of file " & filename & ". " & vbCrLf & ex.Message)
End Try
End Function
Public Function Save(ByVal stream As Stream)
Dim serializer As New XmlSerializer(Me.GetType)
serializer.Serialize(stream, Me)
End Function
Public Shared Function Load(ByVal filename As String, ByVal newType As Type)
As Object
Dim fileInfo As New FileInfo(filename)
If fileInfo.Exists = False Then
Return System.Activator.CreateInstance(newType)
End If
Dim stream As New FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open)
Dim newObject As Object = Load(stream, newType)
Return newObject
End Function
Public Shared Function Load(ByVal stream As Stream, ByVal newType As Type)
As Object
Dim serializer As New XmlSerializer(newType)
Dim newObject As Object = serializer.Deserialize(stream)
Return newObject
End Function
End Class