I'm afraid not, the "blinking" is actually done outside the standard Windows taskbar
functionality, so you can't for instance use the standard registry key for taskbar blinking
to stop this from happening.
I do however have another suggestion that might be helpful. Messenger Plus, a third-party
addition for Messenger, includes a "boss key" Messenger lock feature which will change the
Messenger notification area icon and quickly hide all your conversation windows. Although
not the solution you're looking for, it could be helpful in your situation.
If you're using Windows Live Messenger, you can find Messenger Plus Live here:
If you're using Windows Messenger, you can find Messenger Plus here:
Both have the Messenger lock feature, which by default can be triggered by Alt-space, when
the feature is engaged.
Jonathan Kay
Microsoft MVP - Windows Live Messenger
MSN Messenger/Windows Messenger
MessengerGeek Blog:
Messenger Resources:
(c) 2008 Jonathan Kay - If redistributing, you must include this signature or citation