InstallShield Update Service

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This may be a duplicate post, but I think my first one failed. Installshield
is not "trusted," it is "not yet classified":
ile Name: ISUSPM.exe
Display Name: InstallShield Update Service
Description: InstallShield Update Service Update Manager
Publisher: InstallShield Software Corporation
Digitally Signed By: NOT SIGNED
File Type: Application
Startup Value: C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\INSTAL~1\UPDATE~1\ISUSPM.exe -startup
File Size: 221184
File Version: 3, 10, 100, 1146
Date Installed: 6/16/2004 6:03:26 AM
Startup Type: Registry: Local Machine
Location: Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
Classification: Not yet classified
Ships with Operating System: No
SpyNet Voting: In Progress

Perhaps the InstallShield scheduler is "permitted" but I have it disabled
and do not know.
Certain applications use the new InstallShield delivery packaging system to
install new programs and to maintain automatic patches/updates periodically
by checking for each package registered (like Microsoft Update).

You can go into InstallShield Manager and determine what programs on your
system are being managed.

Two I know of are Sonic and Corel PaintShop.
I got this InstallShield the last time my Corel WordPerfect updated. It does
check for updates for that program and itself. In Add/Remove Programs, it
says "This update cannot be removed" and they aren't kidding. For the last
year, the only "update" it has offered me is advertisements for new products
from Corel. I've noticed from time to time a lot of cpu activity which I
couldn't account for so I took a guess and disabled it in "Services" in
"Administrative Tools" and deleted it's files - or so I thought. No more
unaccountable cpu activity after that. So. . . Hmmm.

Unfortunately, I then noticed when I opened WordPerfect next time,
InstallShield re-installed itself back to normal. A no win situation.
Although I don`t have it on my system. I tried Googling and found this:

From my investigations. seems this tool is generally used by the developers
of some software vendors to check for software updates as well as making for
trouble free installation of Windows based products as the technology
increases. There is also an uninstallation tool which can be downloaded to
uninstall. Anyway if you decide to investigate see what you think.

You not only have to disable the Services portion but also delete the two
entries in the registry Run key:


If you don't, then next time the system reboots, they will start, and the
next time you start a supported application that has auto check for updates
on, it will put everything back.
I have old versions of Corel PaintShop and Word Perfect. They have been fully
updated and I guess InstallShield has nothing better to do than to offer me
upgrades to the newest versions. In any case, you can disable the
InstallShield programs from adding thems to startup by using WinPatrol free
or even Mike Lin's startup monitor:
I think these little programs that do not use a "whitelist" are more
effective at stopping startups that Defender might consider "permitted". Plus
they allow you to toggle them between enabled/disabled if you need to do that.