Since everyone has "jumped" on the licensing issue, and ignored your
original question of how to install a new XP installation without
destroying the original data, I will try to answer it.
The fact is there are "levels" of userdata stored within the original
Firstly, there's all the user's data-files - stored in :
C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%
....and then, there's other data-files like Outlook (and / or Outlook
Express) folder-files. Plus, a myriad of other preferences, too many to
The contents of the "My Documents" folder and many of these other settings
can be exported using XP's "Files and Settings Transfer Wizard" (Accessed
from the Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\System Tools) and placed on a
connected USB memory-stick or other external drive. - That IF, however, you
HAVE got access to the current XP installation that you're trying to export
If the current installation is well and truly dead, your options are pretty
limited to copying the user's data-files from his "My Documents" folder.
You can do this either using the XP Installation Disk and starting the
Recovery Console from it, or better still, constructing a Bart's Windows PE
Boot Disk (search google for more info) and boot into the PC from that in
order to access the same files.
If using the Recovery Console, this can only be done in XP Pro because you
will first need to set two of the four "set" variables in RC by typing the
following :
set AllowAllPaths = TRUE
set AllowRemovableMedia = TRUE
....before you can change directory to the user's "My Documents" folder, and
then also copy to removable media such as USB or floppy drives.
More Info;
How to Use the Recovery Console:
Download Bart's PE BootCD Builder:
Cheers, Tim Meddick, Peckham, London.