Installing XP on Slave or Cable select

Feb 6, 2003
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I couldnt get two of my hard drives to work properly on the same channel
when i did get them to work one of them is on slave the other on master.

Now is it okay to install xp onto the slave?

any bad thing about this?
also another point does anyone have a twist in their ide cable?

finding it hard to get rid of this twist to fit both hard drives :(
Twists are only in the floppy cables mate to help identify the hardware.
The newer 80core cables have a small nick in them instead.

The older 40core cables are best used for Optical drives

Yes you can install o/s on another drive. When the system boots up it will look and see two operating systems and give you the choice if I remember correctly.
BIOS must be set to allow other boot devices though I think. Not sure I dont use it!

Im sure others will know the particulars ;)
hi mate im not on about the floppy that just looks weird with a hole in it!

im on abt the ide cables
i got a twist in them because of my harddrives and the way they are setup.
psd99 said:
hi mate im not on about the floppy that just looks weird with a hole in it!

im on abt the ide cables
i got a twist in them because of my harddrives and the way they are setup.

I got IDE cables in all sorts of lengths if you need one let me know .

thanks abarbarian

i will keep you posted

i was also wondering whether these twists in ide cables is dangerous or not?

the only way i could avoid the twist was to put the Harddrives MIGHTLY close to each other with a 1cm gap between them
that seemed a little dangerous
what shall i do?
psd99 said:
what shall i do?

if you mean a twist between channel 1 + 2, then buy a rounded cable, problem solved. :)
I dont ever remember seeing an IDE cable with a twist in it!

Do you mean a physical twist or just twisted around as in turned to accomodate the fit into the case?
What TD said, do you mean a twist in the whole cable or a twist in a few strands?

like this?
