You need to go into the RAID card's setup and build an array and initialize
it prior to even thinking about loading any OS on it.
Hmmm - not so sure about that. If that was truly the case, surely I
wouldn't have been able to install windows on the single drive
attached to the card ?. Once Windows had the right driver, it was
happy to allow me to partition, format & install - it was only on the
reboot that it failed to see the drive. The array I am planning on
creating is Raid 1, but I only have one drive at present, so at this
stage, there is no Raid array - the volume is a single HDD attached to
a raid card, BUT it's set to 'Passthrough' in the card's bios. I know
that it will work in single drive mode as I've tested it on another PC
- but that was testing booting off either drive in an already
configured raid 1 setup - and I installed XP on that one *after* I'd
created the mirrored array, so I've never actually tried installing XP
on a single drive on this card - only booting off a single drive (i.e.
a broken mirror) once it was all setup.
What it's doing in more detail is this:- From scratch, I boot the pc,
the raid card bios messages appear, showing a single drive detected,
then stating the pnp bios is loaded, then it boots from the XP CD, I
hit F6, load the card drivers from floppy, choose where to install
windows etc, and off it goes, copying all the files etc. When it gets
to the first reboot, instead of getting the raid card bios messages, I
get the PCs bios reporting that it's detected TWO identical drives,
then it sits there at that screen for about five minutes, then
eventually moves onto the raid card bios messages, showing the single
drive detected and that the pnp bios is installed - holds here for
five minutes more then gives a PC bios messages about HDD 0 failed -
If you cold-boot it, you get the raid card bios messages up, then
straight to 'OS not found' - no PC bios messages about two drives etc,
or delays.
So, maybe you are right... does anyone else know if it's possible to
install an OS onto a *single* drive attached to a raid card (even if
the card is set to 'passthough' mode for that drive) - or whether this
is just impossible and I really need to have the mirrored array
established before anything will behave ? ...and if so, how does it
then manage to work if you pull a drive afterwards ?