installing windowsxp over windows98se



I installed windows xp pro over windows 98se I thought it
was supposed to auto delete the windows 98se upon
installation but it apparently didn't. I have a 20gb
hardrive and only was using 4.3gb before installing
windows xp pro now my hard drive is using about 8.5gb of
space. Am I correct about the windows98se supposedly being
autodeleted or not. If I am correect what can be done to
free up the hardrive space? Thanks

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

No, upgrades don't delete all the old files, although you may be able to
remove some of the old stuff in Add/Remove programs (not sure).

If I were you I'd back up data, boot from the WinXP CD, and do a clean
install (destroy the partition & recreate it). You will also get much better
performance this way, and can create the partition & format as NTFS right
off the bat.

John Ski

Subject: installing windowsxp over windows98se
From: "marka" (e-mail address removed)
Date: 12/22/2003 1:11 PM Eastern Standard Time
Message-id: <[email protected]>

I installed windows xp pro over windows 98se I thought it
was supposed to auto delete the windows 98se upon
installation but it apparently didn't. I have a 20gb
hardrive and only was using 4.3gb before installing
windows xp pro now my hard drive is using about 8.5gb of
space. Am I correct about the windows98se supposedly being
autodeleted or not. If I am correect what can be done to
free up the hardrive space? Thanks
No, you are not correct. See Knowledge Bas Article 308008 for complete
instructions on removing the uninstall/backup files. For your future
reference, I got the Article by simply typing "Remove old Operating System
Backup" in the search box for the XP Help and Support Center. Sometimes MS
online support doesn't totally suck<G>.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"
***Arthur C. Clarke***

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